No Days Off : my life with Type 1 diabetes and journey to the NHL de Max Domi

No Days Off : my life with Type 1 diabetes and journey to the NHL

Max Domi

Pastille en couleur
Collant AGOL recommande en couleur

“Max, you have type 1 diabetes,” the doctor said. My mom and I looked at each other. For her, time stood still for a second as our entire future as a family shifted. But I had no clue what the diagnosis meant. So I said the first thing that came to mind. “Can I still play hockey?”

No Days Off : my life with Type 1 diabetes and journey to the NHL

Max Domi

Pastille en couleur
Collant AGOL recommande en couleur
“Max, you have type 1 diabetes,” the doctor said. My mom and I looked at each other. For her, time stood still for a second as our entire future as a family shifted. But I had no clue what the diagnosis meant. So I said the first thing that came to mind. “Can I still play hockey?”

Intérêts : ,

Nombre de pages : 223 p.

Type de document :

Format : Papier

Langue : Anglais

Série de livre : Non

Livre jeune adulte : Lecture intermédiaire

Livre jeunesse/adolescent : Lecture intermédiaire

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